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Woolstock/Up Next Productions

Design a Sweater Knitters' Grid - Knitting Graph Pape

Design a Sweater Knitters' Grid - Knitting Graph Pape

Regular price $19.95 USD
Regular price $24.95 USD Sale price $19.95 USD
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Creative knitters and sweater designers use Leslye Solomon’s Design A Sweater, 5 sheets of a large knitters' grid of 200 possible stitches and 330 possible rows for most gauges. Each space represents a stitch and row and is rectangular, like knitting. Just like in Leslye's sweater designing classes, with this grid you can plan an entire sweater illustrating every stitch and row. Reproduce a more visual depiction of a pattern you may be following.  Illustrate knitting patterns to be more visual for your individual size simply by using a color pencil to map out every stitch and row of the pattern you want to follow, alter, or create yourself. Design in the proportion of knitting within your shape to do stripes, Fair Isle, cable, and intarsia knitting. If you draw a butterfly, it won’t look like a distorted moth when knit as you'd get with regular square graph paper. This knitters’ grid is easy to follow and reduces counting as there is a center line and numbers on all four sides. Easy to count by tens because of the darker lines at 10 stitch and row intervals. To aid in your designing, use the chart to determine how long to plan the length of armholes and how wide to plan the back necks based on the chest measurements. Included is a space for your schematic for back and front, sleeves and a place to record your gauge and needle size. Made in the USA of durable paper that measures a total of 23” x 30” that can be folded or rolled to travel with you. This knitters' graph paper is hard to photograph but easy to use.  Instead of following a wall of knit instructions, just look at your design on the numbered lines to see what to do next.  Please feel free to ask any questions. Full directions come with each order.

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