Copy of My Story
Hello, I am Leslye Solomon, owner of Woolstock Knit & Sew in Glyndon, Maryland. Welcome to Woolstock Up Next. Since I closed the store in June of 2017 after 19 years in the retail business, it is now time to focus on the products I produce as well as continue teaching and vending at certain knitting shows. There's more to come, just stay tuned.
I have been interested in knitting since I was six years old. In my teens, I just liked to hand-knit when the weather got cold. I would start in October, get bored with it in March, but would usually finish the project that next fall...before I could start that next fall project. Then I found out about knitting machines which went along with my ever growing yarn collection. I loved them because I could start one day in the fall and finish all of the pieces on that same day in the fall. Then I could buy more yarn. To make a long story shorter, I bought one, learned them, sold them, learned how to design, use, and finish sweaters from all the experts of that time and began to share my information in classes all around the United States. I produced DVD's in various titles for hand and machine knitting, and wrote the book called "The Uncomplicated Knitting Machine", which is a step-by-step guide to designing, planning, and making sweaters on a knitting machine.
With my machine and hand knitting skills and knowledge, I opened up a store in 1998 and continued to teach around the country and run a yarn shop, raise kids, walk the two dogs every morning and more. I closed the store in June of 2017. Nineteen years in retail is enough to make one dream about having the freedom and time to do what was always put off for next week, next season, and maybe-one-day.
That day has come. This website has much of my life's work in it. I have captured much of my information on DVD which is now downloadable. The Original Blockers kit and the long Flex blockers kit I first introduced to the hand knitting world are listed in two versions My knitting patterns are here and downloadable. More items will be added.
Interested in a knitting machine? I usually have a reliable, good working stock of used machines in both standard gauge and bulky. If you need hands-on lessons, I can help with that, too. Discounted yarns by the bag are about to be listed and available soon.
Say hello...I am excited to be teaching classes and vending at the Vogue Knitting Live shows in Seattle and New York as well as the Pittsburgh Knit & Crochet Show in the spring of 2018. Find me at The Delmarva Wool and Fiber Festival in beautiful Ocean City, Maryland and The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival the first full weekend in May, and more.
Thank you for reading my story.
Sincerely, Leslye Solomon